In my experience, the strongest portraits and the ones that end up being my favourites, come from people who are comfortable with you taking their photo.

Now, I know how obvious that sounds, but here's the thing: I've come across many-a-tourist whipping out their DSLR cameras in somebody's face, firing, and walking off. I'm guessing you may have seen it as well.

Besides the obvious infringement on people's personal space, disrespect, and poor reputation it provides the rest of us travelers - I can't see how on earth you'd end up with a result ever worth looking at?

I'm not suggesting you need everyone who you photograph's full life-story, but don't just swoop in and run away.

This portrait of this street vender started with a simple thought as I walked by: 'that's funny - the colour of this man's eyes are identical to the doors behind him'. That was enough, for me, to think it would be a cool portrait to take.

Before I took out my camera I bought some fruit from him, managed to communicate in the universal traveler's language (fake signing + broken english), he gave me some vegetables from his own garden, and only after that exchange did I ask him for his portrait.

Even showing the person some work is a great way of earning trust and showing that you care about the picture you're about to take of them. I like to share the photo with the person afterwards and if it gets a smile and a nod, all the better.

In retrospect this post is ...preachy, and doesn't do much beyond suggest the obvious 'be respectful', but I'll hit submit anyway!

Fast forward to this year. Raffi and I wanted to up the ante.

As impossible as it seemed to be to defeat the manliness of a moustache and a gas station in the same photograph - I think we did it.

'Til next time!